sorting in sorting out

hi there it has been a long while......
didn't mean to be gone for long
didn't even want to be gone for this bit....
but i had to be off
to sort myself
who cared and who didn't

i ponder superficially deeply,how many friends i have got
"here's the part you say you {flygirl} havn't been an even 'good' friend urself
but still
i try hard at it
supporting till i'm drained...that i can testify

i'm drained now
i'm sorting in and i'm sorting out
who's staying who's going
who's the new person i'm adding on
who's the old faithful i'll lay my head on

i'm half a 'jubilee' in a couple of days
i'm shedding off the unnecessary weight
there is no 'i' in TEAM
selfish i may sound, a nu year requires no excess baggage

i'm drained now
i have been cut off, i'm no dummy
i won't hang around till u think u want me
we can always pick up where we left off

i'm sorting in and i'm sorting out
there are no good byes
only i'll be backs
i've got 2010 in my fist, can't let u hold me down


Anonymous said…
back.. or just checking in as usual?
leggy said…
i loved the last stanza.i should be sorting too.
flygirlbidiish said…
:-) @danny i'm back not checking...i'm back for real. hope you are gud too?

@leggy thank you;

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