10th seems like a start

Am I doing the wrong thing?
I am, I am pretty sure...
Am I getting carried away by the attention?
I am, I am pretty sure....
Do I want it to stop? Did I want it to stop?
of that I am not pretty sure
Mixed feelings, different emotions, warmth
I want something that really is forbidden
Is that the life of my human ness?
I've got my legs tightly wrapped around each other 
In my mind is another web not spurn by a spider.
I know how I want to feel.
Because "I ask too many questions"
I'm only looking out for me

Ps: I watched my event, the event that Oscar Pistorius set a new record in. Saturday evening's event. Yes and what an experience it was, just being there. The javelin throwers, higher jumpers, all the athletes...


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