Dear Black Berry... 2

basically an octopus known to be one of the smartest sea creatures can also be psychic... This world sha. Please sit back and enjoy a good game of footie ---> with friends, juice and smiles *jare*
sho weytin concern jabulani wit sea weed?

Dear Black Berry,
seems no one has bothered to 'check on the girl complaining about the PING'.
Well i am still here, trying my best not to puke when i see those red words. Even the new ubertwitter has a mute (many thanks to every twitter friend, tho i haven't installed it) button...So why can't BBM be upgraded? 'Mute the PING' so no one's PINGing me to say HI.*eyes rolling*
Why PING me to say HI? geez!!!
This is a case of the PING gone bad ... well technically the Task of the PING not being fully grasped.

Yours BBly,

the flygirl

ps: has anyone been reading the memoirs of a slu...shhkid? not for the weak and faint hearted but good for jokes and laughter


Myne said…
The Octopus says Spain wins. We'll see tomorrow...
SouLBoutiQue said…
Thanks for making me miss my blackberry that much more! I must stop being cheap and get another one! First time here....I like so it so far....
flygirlbidiish said…
lol :-) thanks so much Ag
got your bb now?

thank you Joven

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