no escape for the blogger at heart

so technically i have been on 'holiday' for 12 days [today's 7th of June]. My exams were...... when i get my results i shall testify...
i didn't go for the vocal slender/cocobar music fest nor did i go to see 9ice perform...well no one even seems to be talking about those - guess there's no news there then
I haven't felt like typing a post - any post - long, short, full, scanty...
I am falling in and out of moods faster than the share prices change in the stock exchange
I can't even draw and I want to - there's the need to fill up a new sketch pad
I hate having a crush right now - i can't seem to do anything about it-2 years pffft! i need to get it out of my head, mind, grrrrrrr!
I am still buying and eating crackers - and they even cost more
I still lurv Puppy/Soapy/T.V Lurv - it is soooooo pathetic
I have this Lurv - Hate relationship with my phone. Not n.a.l.a got a new one 'abde'
abde - is short for 'abundance' please do not ask me why i named my phone abundance
It is a white curve

I guess I need space to rant {hence my escape to blog-world}!!! I guess I need to pray and then again I want someone else to say the prayers for me....

ps: there are so many I's in this post

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter" -E E. Cummings


Myne said…
It's been a while so nice to read from you. hope you feel better soon, and good luck in your exams.
Anonymous said…
Since you want one, I've said a prayer for you, plus good luck in ur exams, plus you should put you should find that inspiration and fill up those sketch pads fast :)
flygirlbidiish said…
@Myne.....i do now, thanks :-)
Ochuko thank u for the prayer
as for my sketch pad

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