to pastel, with love

ever watched that sir, with love!!?!!
......thot the guy sidney poitierwas really cute!!!...tho i never really understood the movie when i was younger i hav always loved the title hence the title of the painting above
"to pastel, with love"
the medium of my above piece is oil pastel, i started paintin with oil pastel last year n i'm still luvin it.....
anyways i'm totally always yackin about drawin and lovin art but i've never put up a piece on this's one...... :-}!!


Anonymous said…
i'm tripped, really nice work.. i tot it was some 1800 painting.. kip it up..
i'm available for free giveaways.. and reseller partnership... :-)
Anonymous said…
..i forgot to add- nice helmet and pot belly.. lol
Bebe said…
ooooo to pastel with love
the guy in to sir with love was cute hun..
hmmmm maybee ill rent the movie tomorrow lol
Anonymous said…
thk you for visiting the poetry africa page. tell your friends about the poetry africa. it is coming soon.

Egoh Salem
flygirlbidiish said…
lol!!! ochuko thanks....hmmm jus might take u up on that offer soon
.....bebe....he sure's a cutey
Buttercup said…
Im impressed sweetie!

Ohhh i just love sidney's manner of speaking!
flygirlbidiish said…
.........i'm always like 'the guy is too good to be true'

thanks Miss B

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