
Showing posts from November, 2018

forgetting you isn't an option

i have been so quiet because this time, words failed me words failed me because this time, I struggled I struggled because this time there isn't any time again. This time, you have physically left this world and we stopped talking - just the very very few messages First i refused to believe what twitter was saying so i broke my instagram hiatus and there, I couldn't run from the truth there it was the stab in my heart, the news of your passing and just like that, you're not here physically any longer So i went to my archives to look thru our emails this was how we met, exchanging emails an almost unusual meeting I watched some of your videos now just to laugh out loud because crying, tears won't bring you back and here lies the pain we were WAPi kids, smiling, laughing, happy The world, I felt it didn't stop I felt it should have stopped, for you I didn't understand why people typed 'as usual' why people continued, like just ...