this this and that
my F.A tutor is one very funny guy he always comes up with the funniest but true quotes or sayings or riddles of some "wear ur new shoes before your wedding you don't walk funny" element of truth in that wondering mind......yet again.......why do mannequin makers make female mannequins with nipples? exactly why? it some sort of "sex appeal thingy"? cos i find it really ridiculous..................female mannequins are not dressed to appeal to guys nor their male mannequins't see hello!!!???..............may be the dolls come alive at the strike of midnight lmao!!!! its funny how slangs revolve in a cycle...............recycled slangs.............he he!! we r goin green on everything...........even our words fashion also..............e.g. shoulder about major nonsense.........i wouldn't be caught wearing those thi...