Pitta rant'a'

Summer holidays are round the corner, this year, so far has been different in many ways. Finally I will be spending the holidays in different many ways as well....

London town was warm for a few days, so it has been bare bodies and green grass...so far this year I have at different times gone out of my comfort zone, made friends, even gone to new places, met quality time wasters as well. The best part is I have learnt and i am still learning and learning a lot from the Bible too. 

Cooking........I have learnt to cook food lmao! One day (a couple of years ago I loved to be driven till I had no one to actually drive me about- the convenient thing I did was learn to drive). That's how it has been with cooking. I started with the stuff I eat, so far it has been ok. Just don't expect too much cooking from me, I work on moods plus I still don't 'enjoy it' in that sense... and if u are thinking 'i am sorry for this babe, don't waste time' I love eating cereal and preparing it doesn't take so long ha! 

I am just thankful for all the things that have and are still coming my way, for mercies and best of all Grace.

Ps: I joined the Apple family and I have been learning Spanish.


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